5 SEO Tips for Yahoo!
The word “Google” is synonymous with “search engine,” but it’s wise to remember there are other search engines out there. Yahoo! is one of them. And if you’re not targeting your efforts to include Yahoo!, you’re missing out. ven though Google is the search engine powerhouse, it’s not the only search engine. If you ignore Yahoo!, you could be wasting your efforts. By focusing only on Google, you’re missing out on a huge source of traffic from another popular search engine. Address SEO for Yahoo! now, and you will save yourself time in the future. (And we all want to save ourselves some time, right?) By reading this article, you’ll learn a few ways you can improve your SEO for this alternate search engine. But let’s start with a quick overview of what SEO is. As you read, feel free to give us a call any time at 888-256-9448 to learn how WebFX can help improve your SEO. Want to create a custom SEO plan? CONTACT WEBFX Understanding the Basics of SEO Search eng...